6-Pillars of an Emboldened Life

Whew, I have felt a SHIFT lately, dear one, and it feels so good: I am feeling more vibrant, alive, free, and emboldened than ever. 

Whenever I feel a sea change like this, I try to take stock of what led up to it so I can try to keep it rolling – and so I can share it with you. 

If you are ready to step into what’s next, to allow yourself the richness that comes from living fully, these 6 pillars are a great place to start.

1. Live your purpose. 

Over the last few months, I’ve been doing a lot of subterranean work around stepping into my calling as a healer. A “groovy healer” specifically, which I recognize totally sounds like I’m selling drugs out of a van, but really is a reminder for myself to let things be fun, light, and, well, groovy, even as I help folks navigate things that feel challenging. No van drugs.

My groovy healer look: “Trust the Universe” sweatshirt, owl mug from my mama, decidedly groovy hat I’ve worn exactly twice.

Doing so has enabled me to tap into a whole new level of supporting my clients. It also led to the creation of a whole new line of my business: Sacred Nature Herbals. The two avenues inform one another, and I find myself so energized by the work at hand. 

And – I still get a little squeamish about using the term “healer.” There’s a full essay in there for another day. The point for now is this: 

Don’t wait until it feels comfortable to start living your purpose. Begin, knowing the payoff is worth it. 

2. Find a circle of support

Think about who’s on your team. One of my dear friends (hey, Em!) just introduced me to the concept of your “front row” – the people in your life who are going to show up and cheer for you, whatever you’re doing. Love on those people! And let them love on you! 

If you don’t know who those people are yet, I promise you will find each other as you let more of your truest self shine through. The parts that feel a little too weird? They’re your bat signal. 

Your circle of support doesn’t have to be limited to friends, or even to humans. 

Mine includes close friends and family; my beloved Mormor, who died when I was in college; Ash Creek, the water near where I grew up; strawberries; the tree with the owl in Rock Creek Park; birds of prey; and lichen. 

A sunset over Ash Creek. Photo and thoughtfulness courtesy of my mama. 

I know every one of those spirits has my best interest at heart, and, by sharing this with you, I’m sending up a bat signal announcing that lichen – those incredible alga/fungus hybrids – are in my circle of support. 

3. Ask your guides for help – out loud

Recently my own coach encouraged me to start asking my guides for help, and to do it out loud. 

Dear one, this felt a little weird at first, but on the drive home from drop off recently, I just went for it. I let it all out, enumerating my frustrations, asking for help, and asking for it to be easy. 

I kid you not, thirty-six hours later, the thing I’d been struggling with for the past year? Done and tied with a bow. 

Do I know for sure they’re related? No. Will I be keeping this up? Absolutely

One note: This is not a cosmic ATM. Relationships need to be nurtured. Express gratitude, ask how you can be of service, and treat your guides with the love and respect all beings deserve.

4. Connect with nature

Nature is a most generous teacher and parent. 

When I’m feeling stuck, or sad, or just off, I head to Rock Creek Park and take a walk. I observe. I breathe in the fresh air, I shift my attention to the path ahead, and I tune my ears to the water and birdsong and scurrying critters around me. 

Often, I find myself more centered. Sometimes, I find myself awash with emotion, and let it out, knowing the Earth can hold it all, absorb it, compost it into something rich. 

Frilly fungi in Rock Creek Park

And almost always, at some point, I experience absolute delight. A root in the shape of heart. Frilly little fungi on a tree. Locking eyes with a mama barred owl. It’s humbling and enriching. 

5. Give it time

This one. As an Aries, if there were one I wish I could skip over, it’s this one. 

But we are cyclical beings. We need periods of rest, of integration, of wintering. Plants don’t bloom all year, and neither do we. 

Often, the most important changes happen when it looks like nothing at all. When you’re turning inward, tending your inner child, learning to regulate your nervous system. When you’re exploring what a change might look like or how it would feel in your body to take the next step. When you’re acclimating to a new truth. 

First the soil, then the growth, then the harvest.

As every organic farmer knows, if you want a rich harvest, you first need to cultivate the soil. Don’t give up hope during this process. Call on your circle of support, go into nature, scrawl in your journal – and allow. 

6. Allow yourself to trust your worthiness.

Perhaps most importantly, allow yourself to trust that you are worthy. 

Worthy of taking up space. 

Worthy of your dreams. 

Worthy of being inconvenient. 

Worthy of spending the money on something deeply meaningful. 

You are worthy, in this precise moment, exactly as you are. 

You do not need to earn it, it cannot be taken away from you. You are not more worthy because you have an Emmy and you are not less worthy because you are floundering. 

Knowing this, deep in your bones, will change your life. 

If that feels like a stretch for you, know that I am here, holding and believing in your worthiness, wholeheartedly, until you are ready to carry it for yourself. 

I’d love to know: which of these pillars is calling to you? 

If you’re feeling called to build your circle of support, I would love to join it and help you get to the next level. 

"My sessions with Olivia helped me to find clarity and purpose at a time in my life when I needed it most. Her calming energy and curious mindset made our conversations thought-provoking and comforting. I'd highly recommend Olivia for anyone going through a time of transition or period of introspection. She's a true gift!"  -Jess, Austin, TX

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If you want to start by learning more about my 1x1 coaching program and treatment tracks, all of that is available here.  

With love, 



A Personal Health Update


One-degree Turns