The Art of the Reframe

For weeks, I could not get the color apricot out of my head. I don’t know what that’s about, but I know enough to follow these curiosities when they arise. So, after meeting a friend for lunch the other day, I popped into the art supply store and treated myself to a stash of new paints. 

This might be a good time to mention: I am not a painter. Well, technically I am now: I paint. But I certainly don’t know what I’m doing. 

I’ve had a little easel and paints in the basement for years and it wasn’t until last week that I took the plastic off the damn canvas and dug in. 

With B.B. King in the background and basement mess all around me, I met a new part of myself. My friends – it was FUN. I may never want to hang the canvas on the wall, but I’m having a blast popping down to work on it.

So what finally got me down to the basement to unwrap the canvas? The space was still a mess, the talent was still…nascent. 

My thoughts around painting had changed -- been reframed, if you will. (I make no apologies for my love of puns.) 

I heard someone (I wish I could remember who!) say: think of art supplies as experiences rather than precious resources.

That was the mental shift I needed. 

When I didn’t have to be good at it, I could embrace Beginner’s Mind. Which is flipping fantastic because that means I get to be curious, play.

Here's a great thing about Beginner's Mind: it can work like a faucet. You can turn it on and let it run. 

What's been feeling stale or daunting? Today's invitation is to approach it with Beginner's Mind and see what happens.


My Favorite Shortcut: Be - Do - Have


Saltwater Taffy and Neural Pathways