The year is half over — how are you feeling?

I’ve been getting a lot of “The year is halfway over — are you halfway to your goals?” messages lately.

How about you?

If that fuels you in an expansive and exciting way, great! Go forth!

But if it sparks feelings of shame or like you should be working harder, grinding away at your goals, I offer you this:

How are you feeling, dear heart?

Are you feeling the way you want to feel more often than not?

If you are — fab!

If not — let’s explore. 

In fact, even if you are, let’s explore. I’m a firm believer that we learn from our wins as much as our losses. 

I want you to do a quick mental inventory and identify two things. 

First, what is one area of your life that feels great right now? 

  • Have you rediscovered your love of puzzles and use that to unwind? 

  • Is your romantic relationship feeling like a nurturing space to grow? 

  • Did you snag that promotion at work? 

  • Are your weekly bike rides bringing you joy? 

  • Did you clean out under your sink so you can find everything now? 

  • Are you sleeping well?

When you think about what’s going well, how does it feel in your body? What physical sensations can you notice? 

This is valuable information that can help you tune into “This is good!” in the future. 

Now, ask yourself: Where are you experiencing the least satisfaction? 

  • Is your boss challenging your boundaries on a regular basis? 

  • Does your partner expect you’ll do most of the invisible work around the house? 

  • Are you feeling sluggish because you’re not moving your body? 

Staying focused on that one area, how can you make a 5% improvement? 

  • If your boss challenges boundaries, can you wait to look at your phone in the morning? 

  • If your partner doesn’t carry their fair share, can you get a copy of the Fair Play deck and set a time for a conversation? 

  • If you’re feeling sluggish, can you schedule a walk-and-talk phone date with your best friend this weekend? 

Incremental changes add up, and small wins release that dopamine hit that encourages us to keep going. 

Bit by bit, you tune your life to what you really desire, and have more and more days feeling the way you want to feel. Because that’s what it’s about in the end, isn’t it?

P.s. Have you joined the Tending the Magic waitlist yet?

This is a 12-week course for heart-centered and highly sensitive people who want to cultivate greater self-trust while bringing more ease, joy, and wonder to the everyday.

This program is designed to reunite you with the magical part of yourself – and learn how to share these delightful practices with the littles in your life. 

Tending the Magic opens for enrollment only to the waitlist on August 1, then to the public on August 16. You’ll want to join the waitlist, because…

  1. If you purchase off the waitlist when we open in August, you’ll get a $100 discount

  2. You’ll receive a list of my favorite magical resources – from books to decks to incense – for grownups and kiddos

  3. One person who joins from the waitlist will be randomly selected to receive a gift box with a selection of my favorite products — and another will win a 1x1 session with me!

P.p.s. Doors open back up to new clients in mid-August! If you’re ready for more support as you transform your life, go ahead and schedule your free vision casting call now so you’re at the front of the queue. (That connects right to my calendar, so you can pick any time that works for you and it will automatically send us both a Zoom link. So easy.)


What is your wisest self up to right now?


Managing your energy before (and on) vacation