Two Favorite Journal Prompts
How are you holding up? These past few weeks have felt extreme even by pandemic standards, and I hope you and your loved ones are faring ok.
I spent a good chunk of the holidays quarantining away from my two-year-old, sleeping, and recuperating from Covid. (UGH!)
There wasn’t much I could do but sleep, rest, and reflect, so I revisited two of my favorite reflection prompts.
Prompt 1: I want to be the type of person who...
Here's what came up for me:
Has time and energy to bask in my family
Has a deep spiritual practice
Works from a place of love, fun, and service
Rests and takes vacations
Enjoys luxuries like fancy candles, sublime meals, and great trips
Ensures her kids have access to the best education possible
Helps people from a place of deep generosity
Gets to learn, synthesize, and teach
Fulfills her calling
Spends lots of time out in nature
Takes exquisite loving care of herself
What comes up for you?
Prompt 2: What is getting in the way of my having that life right now?
Here's what came up for me:
I am closer to that life than I felt in that moment.
Where there was a delta, the only thing getting in my way was fear. Nothing external -- and I can tackle the fear with thought work and my coaches.