Sunday Swoonies

Are you familiar with the Sunday Scaries? That feeling of dread as Sunday evening nears, the weekend is drawing to a close, and Monday, with all its obligations and responsibilities, is on the horizon. 

What about the Sunday Swoonies? That feeling of excitement when the life that’s right for you is waiting in partnership for the new week. 

I first heard a version of this idea from Sarah Jenks, when she talked about her love of “Moon-days” (Mondays) because she gets to dive into her business, live her purpose, and do her soul’s work. 

I remember thinking, “Yeah, must be nice. I can’t imagine being excited for a Monday morning.” 

Dear ones, it finally happened. This past Sunday night, as I was getting the kids ready for bed and cleaning up the kitchen, I thought, “Yes! Tomorrow is Monday!” 

What?! It might not be the first time I’ve had that thought, but it’s been a long time. And it is nice. It feels really. stinking. good. 

Then I remembered the first time I saw Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach Training Program, years ago when I was pregnant with my older daughter: “Must be nice. I could never do that.” (Spoiler alert: A few years later, I did it, and transformed my life.)

The thought Must be nice! is an incredibly powerful antenna, perfectly calibrated to what your soul longs for.

When’s the last time you thought “Must be nice!”?

Listen to it. Was it someone talking about their nourishing marriage? How they just gave a keynote? Took a sabbatical? (It’s totally ok if it comes with some jealousy or judgment attached – that’s just more information.) 

Take note. You don’t have to do anything with it (though you can!) -- sometimes we just need to notice the breadcrumbs without any additional pressure. But do jot it down somewhere, or hit reply and let me know what it was. Your essential self is giving you an important clue, and you don't want to lose track of it. 


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