What is your wisest self up to right now?
Three ways to connect to the wisest part of yourself.
The year is half over — how are you feeling?
If you’re focused on your goals checklist, you might be missing the point.
Managing your energy before (and on) vacation
Whether you’re in a work groove or feeling burnt out, follow these steps to manage your energy before — and on — vacation.
New Course Alert: Tending the Magic
Get out your party hat because I am thrilled to announce the launch of my very first course: Tending the Magic.
This is a 12-week course for heart-centered and highly sensitive people who want to cultivate greater self-trust while bringing more ease, joy, and wonder to the everyday.
Get your daily D.O.S.E.
Study after study shows that time in nature – sunlight, fresh air, moving water – is beneficial for your physical and mental health. The list of reasons is long, but part of it is how moving through through natural spaces can increase the production of these important neurotransmitters, neurochemicals, and hormones.
Introducing Sacred Nature Coaching
These changes have been percolating for months, and I’m thrilled to share them with you.
What happens when you unleash your dreams?
I'm curious: Is there anywhere you're feeling stuck? If you've been in a rut, I'd like to offer you this:
Maybe it’s not happening because you’re thinking too small.
Summer Time Travel
Whether you have a packed calendar or it’s wide open, the cusp of summer is a great opportunity to practice being intentional about how you want to feel.
Want more ease and magic? Work with the days of the week.
One of our sessions at the Sacred Nature Retreat focused on earth magic.
We talked about how to work with the energies and planetary rulers of the different days of the week. It led to such a rich discussion and ideas for practical application, I couldn't wait to share it with you.
You had a delightful week. Now what?
When you think back on what delighted you this week, what themes do you see? What reinforced what you already knew? What surprised you? What satisfied a deep longing?
Last Call for the Sacred Nature Retreat
One of my big dreams is coming true this weekend when an incredible group of women gathers at Wood Haven, my house in the Shenandoah Valley in West Virginia for the first Sacred Nature Retreat.
Your Guide to Delight
Delight is such a powerful compass point for your intuition.
With all the messages we get from society and culture and family, we can lose track of what really lights us up. And when we lose track of what lights us up, we lose a powerful connection point to our essential self.
Dandelion Medicine
Here are four of the reasons I'm loving on this diminutive sunflower relative
When the Body Says to Rest
Over the past few years, I’ve become so attuned to what my body is telling me, and when I try to ignore or override her, she speaks up. (This is a powerful practice I teach to many of my clients.)
5 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
When you think about what makes you feel loved, what comes to mind?
Being seen? Being cared for? Being trusted to hold someone during the hard times? Being told how loved you are?
Here are five ways my family and I like to show our love for Mother Earth.
This is 39.
Last year was the first time I remember being fully intentional about my birthday, and it set the tone for the year ahead in such a beautiful way.
Giveaway: Sacred Nature Retreat Ticket
I'm hosting my first giveaway! One lucky person will win a ticket to the Sacred Nature Retreat this May 19 - 21.
Limited Time: A Year of Unlimited Coaching
In honor of my birthday, I’m offering 3 slots of yearlong unlimited coaching for only $3,900.
Yirah & Pachad: Understanding Two Types of Fear
Have you heard the advice to Just do it scared? First, it's important to understand what kind of scared you're feeling.