On Sale Now: The Sacred Nature Retreat
If you’re feeling burnt out, wrung out, turned inside out, this is for you.
Come as you are, however you are.
Leave reconnected, restored, and refreshed, with a deeper relationship with the earth, your essential self, and an incredible community.
Published in FastCompany
I recently earned my first byline with a piece in FastCompany’s Future of Health column.
Back to Nature, Back to Self
Here’s what I know: nature is the answer.
If we’re feeling lost or disconnected or sad, nature is the answer.
If we want to make a good day better or heighten our joy, nature is the answer.
Spring Equinox Rituals
Spring rituals to connect you more deeply with your intuition and power.
What If There Were No Plan A
If you find you can’t move forward because you can’t “get it right,” ask yourself this question.
Why do we do this work, anyway?
Why do we spend time learning how to regulate our nervous system, challenge painful thoughts, and expand our capacity for what’s possible?
Negotiating with Integrity
This is a new take on negotiation, and includes zero ick or used car salesman tactics.
There Is Always a Creative Solution
Whenever I’m feeling stuck or helpless or just out of sorts, I remind myself of my favorite mantra: There’s always a creative solution.
Insomnia, Imbolc, and Intentions
I used to be tormented by waking up in the middle of the night.
I still wake up between 2am and 4am most nights, but it no longer torments me.
The situation didn’t change. The story I told myself did.
5 Favorite Coaching Books
My 5 favorite coaching books, what I love about them — and the problem they all share.
Loving Kindness Meditation
May I be happy. May I be free. May I find peace.
May you be happy. May you be free. May you find peace.
May all beings be happy. May all beings be free. May all beings find peace.
What Are You Willing to Be Bad At?
This year feels ripe for me to dig in and tackle some things that I’ve always wanted to be good at, but… am not. Yet.
Which reminded me of the wonderful question:
What are you willing to be bad at long enough to get good at it?
My Plea: Go Slow in the New Year
How and why to embrace the slow lane — and wind up where you want to go.
The Power of Ritual
Rituals can look any number of ways, but they all mark a change, an arrival or departure or some combination of the two.
How to Get out of Your Own Way
Learning to recognize and dissolve a limiting belief is one of the most powerful ways to change your life. Starting now.
Mantras for a Happier Holiday
Here are seven tried-and-true mantras to keep in mind when loved ones start to grate your nerves.
The Holi-YAY Harmony Master Class
Picture this: You’re getting ready for your big holiday meal with loved ones, and this year, it all feels different.
Brighter. Lighter. Easier.
5 Exciting Things
I am celebrating this week! Things are coming to fruition, and I’m feeling extra grateful after a really tough few months.