My go-to remedies for cold & flu season 🍯
Here are two remedies I’ve been drinking on repeat: fire cider and the garlic cold buster.
📣 Can yelling be cathartic?
Can yelling be cathartic? Or does it keep you stuck? A recent post by a teacher I admire made me question whether "cathartic yelling" should remain part of my personal practice.
Square 4: 🦋 It’s time to fly!
After all that – the catalytic event, the goo, becoming a new type of being, trying and stumbling – after all that, you’ve made it to the Square Four promised land.
Square Three: Let’s Do This Thing!
Square Three is where I often find I need the most support. It’s fun, but it can be SO HARD! Square Three gets messy. And frustrating. And incredibly gratifying.
Square Two: Dreaming & Scheming
After you’ve made it through the catalytic event and allowed yourself to dissolve into goo, one day you wake up and notice things start to feel different. Square Two is a time to let your imagination run wild.
Tending The Magic is Now Open!
My course, Tending the Magic, is now open! If you want to end the year more deeply connected to yourself, with rituals and framework to support you and your loved ones moving forward, I hope you'll join us. If you register by Saturday, 100% of the program cost will go to Maui direct aid.
Square One: Cocoon Mode
Today we’re talking about what happens after the catalytic event: dissolving into goo.
You know the phrase, “Back to square 1”? It’s never said as a good thing, is it? Like, “Ooh, can’t wait to get back to square 1!”
But we all end up here. Repeatedly.
Wise Words from Anne Marie Cribbin
I have a present for you. Anne Marie Cribbin, the incredible recovery coach and spiritual mentor, gave me permission to share the email she sent this week. I read it three times in a row and kept thinking: “Yes! This. This is the work.”
Here it is.
The Moment That Changes Everything
A catalytic event is The Moment That Changes Everything.
They come in all sorts of packages, and we don’t generally get to choose them.
But we do get to choose how we proceed when they present themselves.